History (Taken from The History Of The Eastern St. Bernard Club Album)
0n Sunday 8th May 1983 all persons were invited to attend an inaugural meeting at Lincoln Health studio, to discuss the forming of a new saint Bernard club and was there a need for another club.
About 50 people attended the meeting. Mr Geoff Findlay took the chair, and the meeting was thrown open for debate.
During this debate many ideas came out such as lectures by specialists, training for Exhibitors, stewards and judges aimed to bring the Saint Bernard Community together.
After the debate the chairman asked the meeting whether they felt that a new breed club should be formed - A vote was taken and it was decided that by an almost unanimous decision to apply to the Kennel Club to form THE EASTERN SAINT BERNARD CLUB.
The persons attending the meeting were then invited to become Founder members if the Eastern Saint Bernard Club.
A steering committee was then elected:
Chairman: Mr Geoff Findlay
Secretary: Mr John Bateman
Treasurer: Mrs Terry Ridings
Committee Members:
Mrs S Bannister, Mrs M Chapman, Mrs J Guest, Mrs L Osborne, Mrs M Pearl, Mrs E Ridley, Mr P Snaith, Mr B Stammers, Mrs P Stammers, Mrs K Thorpe, Mr M Thorpe
Mrs Walford, Mr Walford & Mrs P Wells
During the following months of 1983 the steering committee had several meetings – application forms were forwarded to the Kennel Club for their approval.
A fun Day was held on the 11th September at Hubberts bridge with the monies from this event going into a rescue fund.
On the 5th November a bonfire night was held at the home of Mr B Markham
Now the foundations had been laid for the Eastern Saint Bernard Club
The Emblem (Taken from The History Of The Eastern St. Bernard Club Album)
Members of the club were asked to send in their own design for the clubs emblem.
On January 12th the committee judged all the designs that had been sent in, They decided to go for the Saint Bernards head surrounded by Laurel Leaves.
It was also decided that the designers initials be placed in middle bottom in the emblem, hence M.K.T – Mick & Kathy Thorpe ( 1984 )
Founder members (Taken from The History Of The Eastern St. Bernard Club Album)
Mrs W Allenby
Dr D Bannister
Mrs S Bannister
Mrs Bastow
Mr D Bastow
Miss H Bateman
Mr J Bateman
Mrs M Bateman
Mrs M Chapman
Miss E Cooper
Mrs D Coultan
Mr T Coultan
Mrs D Fawcett
Mg G Findlay
Mrs H Findlay
Mrs J Fry
Mrs R Gleadall
Mr S Gleadall
Mrs J Guest
Mr P Guest
Mrs Harrison
Mr J Harvey
Mrs S Harvey
Mr G Kirk
Mrs W Kirk
M Last
Mr B Markham
Mrs L Osbourne
Mrs M Pearl
Mr K Ridings
Mrs T Ridings
Mrs E Ridley
Mr T Ridley
Mrs M Snaith
Mr P Snaith
Mr B Stammers
Mrs P Stammers
Mrs L Stanley
Mrs B Sutherland
Mrs K Thorpe
Mr M Thorpe
Mrs M Walford
Mr Walford
Mrs P Wells
J Willis
Mr Wilson
Mrs Wilson
Master Wilson
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